Kami berusaha untuk memuaskan pelanggan kami dengan memberikan layanan terbaik menggunakan produk terbaik dan kami menawarkan konsultasi gratis sebelum perawatan. Kami akan membantu Anda menemukan gaya yang ideal untuk Anda tergantung pada bentuk wajah, profesi, kepribadian Anda dalam ketersediaan waktu Anda. Dan kami yakin bahwa Anda akan meninggalkan salon kami dengan penampilan terbaik dan merasa hebat.
Include : Hair wash, cut, & natural hair blow
Include : Hair wash, cut, & natural hair blow
Include : Wash, hair styling natural blow, long creative blow & hair styling with hair iron
This treatment focuses on your dry hair follicles or an itchy, inflamed, dirty, and irritated scalp. We’ll gently cleanse your hair, then cover your locks with a hair rejuve masque. Rilex and enjoy a loving head massage and shoulder massage using hot stones (hair dry includes).
Hair damage is mainly caused by environmental effects and chemical services. All these harsh damages can cause changes on the physical structure of hair, which can lead to hair tangles, breakage, dull color, dryness and unruly hair. this treatment can improve your hair quality so much, that it feels as if it was born yesterday. All you need is one session to feel the difference. Relaxing head & back massage with hair dry included.
This treatment is ritual healing by nourishing the cuticles of the hair, focuses on strengthening, reducing hair loss and new hair growth if you regularly do this treatment, Relax and enjoy scalp massage, massage of the arms, legs and unique hot stones to increase blood flow (hair dry included).
A natural organic option is our deep nourishing instan hair care. It provides intense moisture to handle the various hair problems and make your hair a well-maintained, smooth and healthy. including hair steam, massage of the head, neck, shoulders & hair dry.
For starters, it’s a fibrous protein that quite literally forms each strand of hair. As hair becomes damaged, it needs all the help it can get to repair and boost its natural structure. Keratin treatments by ameline beauty offer many benefits to your hair, can make your hair looks full and glossy, make curly hair less frizzy, easier to style, and straighter in appearance. (Final price by consultation)
Apakah Anda menderita rambut keriting atau berjuang memiliki rambut yang tidak dapat diatur atau sulit diatur? Jika jawabannya benar dan Anda mendambakan rambut halus dan lembut yang mudah disisir, maka kami punya solusinya untuk Anda. Bhave Keratin Smoothing secara drastis mengurangi keriting dan melembutkan rambut, memberikan Anda hasil yang sangat mudah diatur. (Final price by consultation)
For starters, Pt’s a fibrous protein that quite literally forms each strand of hair. As hair becomes damaged, it needs all the help it can get to repair and boost its natural structure. Keratin treatments by ameline beauty offer many benefits to your hair, can make your hair looks full and glossy, make curly hair less frizzy, easier to style, and straighter in appearance.
*Extra additional charge 350k if the hair is thicker.
Apakah Anda menderita rambut keriting atau berjuang memiliki rambut yang tidak dapat diatur atau sulit diatur? Jika jawabannya benar dan Anda mendambakan rambut halus dan lembut yang mudah disisir, maka kami punya solusinya untuk Anda. Bhave Keratin Smoothing secara drastis mengurangi keriting dan melembutkan rambut, memberikan Anda hasil yang sangat mudah diatur.
*Extra additional charge 200K if the hair is thicker.
(Final price by consultation) Price include : Tube color, wash, styling, anti frizz/hair protector
(Final price by consultation) Price include : Tube color, wash, styling, anti frizz/hair protector, bleaching & technique
(Final price by consultation) Price include : Tube color, wash, styling, anti frizz/hair protector, bleaching & technique
(Final price by consultation) Price include : Tube color, wash, styling, anti frizz/hair protector, bleaching & technique
The price listed is the starting price, direct consultation is required to find out the condition of the original hair and the desired color goals in order to determine the final price. We will inform you of all prices before coloring.
Special 10% discount for purchasing products by Olaplex specifically for clients who do coloring at Ameline, discount applies on the same day of coloring. Not valid for Bali branches.
Include : Wash, hair cut & natural hair blow
Include : Wash, hair cut & natural hair blow
Include : Wash, hair styling natural blow, long creative blow & hair styling with hair iron
This treatment focuses on your dry hair follicles or an itchy, inflamed, dirty, and irritated scalp. We’ll gently cleanse your hair, then cover your locks with a hair rejuve masque. Rilex and enjoy a loving head massage and shoulder massage using hot stones (hair dry includes).
Hair damage is mainly caused by environmental effects and chemical services. All these harsh damages can cause changes on the physical structure of hair, which can lead to hair tangles, breakage, dull color, dryness and unruly hair. this treatment can improve your hair quality so much, that it feels as if it was born yesterday. All you need is one session to feel the difference. Relaxing head & back massage with hair dry included.
This treatment is ritual healing by nourishing the cuticles of the hair, focuses on strengthening, reducing hair loss and new hair growth if you regularly do this treatment, Relax and enjoy scalp massage, massage of the arms, legs and unique hot stones to increase blood flow (hair dry included).
A natural organic option is our deep nourishing instan hair care. It provides intense moisture to handle the various hair problems and make your hair a well-maintained, smooth and healthy. including hair steam, massage of the head, neck, shoulders & hair dry.
For starters, it’s a fibrous protein that quite literally forms each strand of hair. As hair becomes damaged, it needs all the help it can get to repair and boost its natural structure. Keratin treatments by ameline beauty offer many benefits to your hair, can make your hair looks full and glossy, make curly hair less frizzy, easier to style, and straighter in appearance. (Final price by consultation)
Apakah Anda menderita rambut keriting atau berjuang memiliki rambut yang tidak dapat diatur atau sulit diatur? Jika jawabannya benar dan Anda mendambakan rambut halus dan lembut yang mudah disisir, maka kami punya solusinya untuk Anda. Bhave Keratin Smoothing secara drastis mengurangi keriting dan melembutkan rambut, memberikan Anda hasil yang sangat mudah diatur. (Final price by consultation)
For starters, Pt’s a fibrous protein that quite literally forms each strand of hair. As hair becomes damaged, it needs all the help it can get to repair and boost its natural structure. Keratin treatments by ameline beauty offer many benefits to your hair, can make your hair looks full and glossy, make curly hair less frizzy, easier to style, and straighter in appearance.
*Extra additional charge 350k if the hair is thicker.
Apakah Anda menderita rambut keriting atau berjuang memiliki rambut yang tidak dapat diatur atau sulit diatur? Jika jawabannya benar dan Anda mendambakan rambut halus dan lembut yang mudah disisir, maka kami punya solusinya untuk Anda. Bhave Keratin Smoothing secara drastis mengurangi keriting dan melembutkan rambut, memberikan Anda hasil yang sangat mudah diatur.
*Extra additional charge 300k-500k if the hair is thicker.
(Final price by consultation) Price include : Tube color, wash, styling, anti frizz/hair protector
(Final price by consultation) Price include : Tube color, wash, styling, anti frizz/hair protector, bleaching & technique
(Final price by consultation) Price include : Tube color, wash, styling, anti frizz/hair protector, bleaching & technique
(Final price by consultation) Price include : Tube color, wash, styling, anti frizz/hair protector, bleaching & technique
The price listed is the starting price, direct consultation is required to find out the condition of the original hair and the desired color goals in order to determine the final price. We will inform you of all prices before coloring.
Special 10% discount for purchasing products by Olaplex specifically for clients who do coloring at Ameline, discount applies on the same day of coloring. Not valid for Bali branches.
*Extra Charge
How to calculate the price of hair coloring is: Color price + technique & bleaching price.
Sebelum Mewarnai Rambut
Pewarnaan Rambut Setelah Perawatan
FAQ Pewarnaan Rambut
Bisakah saya mencerahkan rambut saya beberapa tingkat tanpa pemutihan atau pengupasan warna?
Jika Anda mencoba beralih dari warna gelap ke warna terang, Anda perlu memutihkan rambut. Untuk mencerahkan rambut, Anda harus menggunakan beberapa jenis pemutih atau peroksida untuk menghilangkan pigmen pada rambut. Setelah pigmen dihilangkan, kutikula rambut terangkat sehingga warna rambut bisa diserap. Lihat postingan kami tentang ‘Apakah Anda harus memutihkan rambut sebelum mengecatnya?’ untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang pemutihan.
Berapa lama saya harus menunggu sebelum mewarnai ulang rambut saya dengan warna yang berbeda?
Ini semua tergantung kondisi rambut Anda. Yang terbaik adalah berkonsultasi dengan penata rambut Anda tentang pilihan Anda. Jika rambut Anda rusak, sebaiknya tunggu sampai rambut Anda dalam kondisi yang lebih baik atau sampai warnanya tumbuh. Jika Anda tidak menyukai warna rambut Anda, bicarakan dengan stylist Anda tentang layanan korektif warna. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang seberapa sering Anda boleh mewarnai rambut di bagian Tips Kecantikan di blog kami.
Seberapa cepat saya harus kembali?
Seringkali orang menganggap perawatan warna rambut sebagai janji untuk memperbaiki pertumbuhan kembali Anda, itu mungkin bukan hal pertama yang perlu Anda lakukan. Bergantung pada jenis warna yang Anda selesaikan, beberapa corak bertahan lebih lama dari yang lain sebelum mulai memudar. Jika Anda mencari warna terang, pirang pucat, atau warna pastel/cerah maka Anda perlu menyegarkan warna lebih cepat daripada nanti. Banyak dari ini ditentukan oleh kondisi rambut Anda juga. Jika Anda memiliki rambut yang terlalu keropos, maka warna Anda kemungkinan besar akan memudar lebih cepat daripada seseorang yang memiliki rambut sehat atau perawan sebelum diwarnai. Dengan mendiskusikan apa langkah selanjutnya, dan menanyakan kapan Anda harus kembali adalah penting agar Anda tidak dibutakan oleh potensi nada memudar lebih cepat dari yang Anda harapkan.
Apakah ini akan menjadi…Tidak nyaman?
Setiap orang memiliki kulit yang berbeda, sehingga setiap orang akan memiliki reaksi yang berbeda terhadap bahan kimia dan produk. Jika Anda sudah mengetahui bahwa Anda memiliki kondisi kulit, alergi, atau kepekaan terhadap bahan tertentu, pastikan untuk memberi tahu stylist Anda sebelum janji temu dimulai. Dengan melakukan percakapan ini sebelum Anda memiliki warna pada kulit kepala Anda akan memastikan bahwa produk yang paling cocok untuk Anda digunakan selama janji temu Anda.
Sebelum Menghaluskan Rambut Keratin
Setelah Perawatan Rambut Menghaluskan Keratin
FAQ Menghaluskan Keratin
Sebelum Rambut Keratin
Setelah Perawatan Rambut Keratin
FAQ Keratin Rambut